Lyrique Libertas II A - The Flagship Ridenour Clarinet
The Libertas II A has the identical construction to the B Flat and unlike wooden A clarinets is crystal clear and free-blowing straight out of the box, whereas wooden A clarinets can take as long as several years to become free-blowing and clear.
“The Lyrique Libertas II is the clarinet I've hoped to make for over a decade now, a clarinet that possesses many of the same playing and acoustical characteristics of the Opus/Concerto clarinets I designed in the 1990s...but with a big difference: these clarinets play better than any clarinets I've ever played, and of course, they won't crack and break your heart.” - Tom Ridenour
Another feature that clarinettists will find exciting is the price: The Lyrique Libertas II costs a fraction of the price of top line wood clarinets.
The Lyrique Libertas is a clarinet for those who would prefer more freedom, flexibility, lower-register resonance, and colour variability than the Lyrique 576.
With an ergonomic register key, in line “jump” trill side keys, thick crows foot and pad cup arms and a unique bore design the Libertas II is a robust build.
It has white leather pads and generates a rounded focussed sound and has exceptional intonation at a fraction of the price of most wooden clarinets. Supplied in an elegant Protec case well fitting case with cork grease and swab. Try one for yourself you will not be disappointed.

Pricing & Packages
Standard package:
Lyrique Libertas II A
Ligature and cap
Two different sized barrels
Clarinet swab, Ultimax cork grease
Protec Case
Total: £1,675
Optional Customisations
+ Craven Mouthpiece (RRP £190).
+ Silverstein CRY04 Ligature + Omnicap (RRP £185.00): +£150.00
The Double Package
Libertas II B Flat + Libertas II A Clarinet
Ligature and cap
Two different sized barrels for each clarinet (four total)
Clarinet Swab and Ultimax Cork Grease
Lightweight Double Case
Total: £3,250
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